Influences of My Art
Well the history of art goes back way to far to sum up on just one page. But I can tell you where to look if your interested
in my work. My major influences come from the Impressionist, Surrealist, and mostly Abstraction.
My favourite artist from these movements are Vincent Van Gogh, Man Ray, and my favourite artist in history Wassily Kandinsky.
My Background
I was born in London Ontario, but lived in Dutton Ont for most of my youth. From an early age I had shown an interest in
art and writing, but since this is devoted to my art I'll leave my writing background out of it. I would say the first time
I really got into art was in public school during grade six when i painted a piece in the style and theme of Native Americans.
Oddly enough it was from one of the teachers I wasn't very impressed with that spotted it and complimented me on my artistic
ability (I have since thought kindly of her). However my journey into the arts really didn't get going untill highschool,
specifically grade 11. I fell in love with brush and the excitement that comes from creating a work from nothing. Fortunately
I had (what i consider) the greatest art teacher of our time. Not only did she spend the extra time to help fine tune my
skills, she also gave me the freedom to explore my own style and interests (which sometimes meant being able to create and
do my own assignments apart from the rest of the class. It was with her quidence that I found the realm of the subconcious
expressed in abstract art. Following her and the works of Kandinsky I began to find that link between my soul and my hand.
Taking something from an abstract and invisible existance, and giving it physical form and colour.
Later during my time in the Fine Art program of the local college I developed my skills further, as well as gaining new
techniques in different mediums. Though it was after that when I broke through and found my art that we see today.
In the next page you will find my latest works, I hope you enjoy them.